Black Bear in Gatlinburg Using Cross Walk Downtown

Black Bear in Gatlinburg Causes Excitement Using Pedestrian Cross Walk Downtown

Video of a bear crossing the street in downtown Gatlinburg goes viral. A black bear in downtown Gatlinburg made quite a spectecle as it roamed the streets recently.It was spotted making its way from the nearby Great Smoky Mountains National Park and into downtown Gatlinburg. It tried to get into the Gatlinburg Convention Center and then it ran down the Parkway and used the cross walk to get back to the National Park. No one was injured nor was the bear. Bear sightings are not unusual for Gatlinburg. The Gatlinburg Police have received over 600 calls in the last two years, but seeing a bear use a pedestriancrosswalk did cause quite a lot of excitement and picture and video taking by the people that witnessed the sighting!

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