Boy Scout Honor Medal For 12 year Old for Saving Child

A Boy Scout will get the Boy Scout Honor Medal for saving a child in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Emery Benson, a 12 year old Boy Scout saved a child’s life last year when a 7 year old fell into Mouse Creek Falls and was quickly carried down stream by the fast moving water. Emery Benson was the only person close enough to the 7 year old to help. Benson jumped in, grabbed the younger child and swam to a rock where they climbed out.

This past summer, Emery completed his life-saving merit badge and is officially trained now. He also will be getting national recognition for saving
another child’s life in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Benson will be presented with a rare award by the Boy Scouts of America. He will receive the BSA’s honor medal for his heroic actions in saving another person’s  life.Way to go Emery!

Find out more about Mouse Creek Falls!


