Cades Cove Loop Road Closure for Tree Removal

The National Park Service to Close Cades Cove Loop Road For Work:

Cades Cove Loop Road in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park will be closed for three days in the middle of the week for two weeks so some hazardous trees can be removed from the cove. The road will be closed to ALL types of traffic (vehicles, bikes and pedestrian) while the work takes place.

Cades Cove Loop Road to be Closed A Few Days in 2015

Cades Cove Loop Road to be Closed A Few Days in 2015

The closure will be on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, January 6-8, 2015 and again the following week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, January13-15, 2015.

Remember the road closure is for all traffic, so hikers, bikers of all types, and all vehicles will not be allowed into Cades Cove for the days posted above.

Driving Cades Cove Loop Road…
