Controlled Burns Planned For Cades Cove In Coming Weeks
The Great Smoky Mountains National Park officials have just announced a series of prescribed controlled burns planned for Cades Cove. These prescribed burns help to restore the woodlands by burning undergrowth, control woody encroachment, rid nonnative plant species and encourage native plant species growth. The controlled burns can start as early as next week and can take place intermittently for the next several weeks. Many fields in Cades Cove have been identified by fire management as needing the controlled burn (about 300 acres total). Delays and possible temporary closures may take place on some roads and trails in Cades Cove during the controlled burns. During the controlled burns if smoke is present park officials ask visitors to reduce speed, do not stop, turn on vehicle headlights, and keep car windows up. Do not be alarmed during a controlled burn to see smoke and fire.

Field Off Hyatt Lane in Cades Cove