Fall Foliage Predictions 2018

Fall Foliage Predictions 2018 Season For Great Smoky Mountains

The fall foliage predictions 2018 are in for this year and it looks like a good one. The annual show of fall colors in the Great Smoky Mountains is predicted to be good one for several reasons. A wet and warm summer with no drought conditions this past summer mean the trees are not under any stress. Adequate rain this past summer helped the trees retain their leaves. And without any recorded days with air temperature over 100 are another bonus. The biologists and fall color experts are predicting a great fall season for this upcoming fall foliage show. It all points to an exciting and colorful fall season. Of course the weather during the month of September also plays an important role in the development of color. During September sunny days and cool nights make the perfect recipe for a vibrant and colorful October.

Great Smoky Mountains Fall Foliage 2017

Great Smoky Mountains Fall Foliage 2018

Toward the end of September the highest elevation over 5,000 feet will change first. As September turns into October the color will spread to the mid level elevations. Then by the end of October and into early November the color will reach into the lower elevations. The Great Smoky Mountains and the mountains of North Carolina usually provide a 4-6 weeks period of time to travel and enjoy the colorful fall foliage season. Due to the varying elevations the fall foliage season stretches from late September well into early November in this area of the United States.

Check out when and where to see the fall foliage plus tips on how to enjoy the colorful show at Fall Foliage here on Great Smoky Mountains Guide.


Here’s a preview of how beautiful the fall foliage colors can be in the Great Smoky Mountains…

