New Manager For LeConte Lodge in 2015

Remote LeConte Lodge on Mt. LeConte in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Gets New Manager for 2015

When LeConte Lodge opens next year in the spring it will be with new management! Chris and Allyson Virden have managed the lodge for 12 years but  when the lodge closed for the season a few days ago they will move on to a new way of life. The new manager for LeConte Lodge will be a former lodge crew member Ruthie Puckett from Alabama. LeConte Lodge  sits at the top of Mt. LeConte in the Great Smoky Mountains National

LeConte Lodge atop of Mt. LeConte in the GSMNP

LeConte Lodge atop of Mt. LeConte in the GSMNP

Park in Tennessee at an elevation of about 6400 feet. LeConte Lodge is reportedly the highest guest lodge in the eastern United States.

LeConte Lodge Hiking

There are no roads to the lodge, it  can only be reached by one of the five hiking trails that lead to the lodge. Three times a week supplies are taken to the lodge by llamas using one of the trails. There are several sleeping  cabins (for up to about 60 guest) and a dining hall for the guest once they have reached the lodge after their hike to the location. The lodge is heated with propane and there is limited electricity.

LeConte Lodge Reservations

Reservations are needed and the lodge has a booming business, so plan ahead.

Alum Cave Trail to Mt. LeConte in the GSMNP

Alum Cave Trail to Mt. LeConte in the GSMNP

Once reaching the summit a beautiful sunset can be seen from the top and early risers can view the next morning’s sunrise. There is even a LeConte Lodge tee shirt available once you  reach the top you are in the special club of hikers that can say they have made it to the summit of Mt. LeConte! LeConte Lodge is only open each year from late March to mid-November. For more information or for reservations call (865) 429-5704.






Take a look around LeConte Lodge grounds and buildings…

And here is a the llama supply train in action…
